Just about me:)

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I am just a city boy trapped in the south. I am very funny and fun to be around and I enjoy life to the fullest. I love going clubbing and I enjoy just losing my self on a dance floor. I am very opinionated which is why I started this blog I just need a way to get my views outta my head without actually offending people. my purpose is not to offend people but I think what I have to say is pretty important and I think that the struggle for keeping humanity as we know it alive is become a stronger fight than we know. I love meeting new people and making new friends:)

Thursday, July 21, 2011

My Beliefs On Love

I have questioned over and over within my self on what my view on love was and I couldn't understand the mixed emotions in my head well I think I have finally made sense of what I think.

True Love doesn't exist,at least the way we see it in the movies or the books, I don't know how someone came up with that skewered view of love but it has basically ruined my life. I,just like the 7 billion people on this earth, hate when people say they love you and do not mean it, and by doing this it just turns out to be a sticky situation for everyone,so why do it? love to me is pointless when it comes to finding a person to share our life with and my question is WHY SHOULD WE HAVE TO SHARE! I really do not understand why we are always in search of finding someone to care for us and even if we do find someone to care for us why do we feel the need to search the world to find someone better. Iguess society has driven us to the point of thinking that in order to be successful we have to have someone and no matter what we say we all want that. I find love pointless and ignorant yet I crave it like it is apart of me like my soul is connected to a river and the river has run dry. I feel like that if you took our addiction to love away we would have no world. The rivers in each of us would dry and we would eventually give up and lose faith,joy,hope,peace,determination and most importantly humanity but with it we hurt,cry,hate,depress and we are okay with this as long as someone will show us that our humanity is worth something for just a couple of months or years. love is poison. it is a deadly poison that we take little by little hoping to either catch a high from it or be immune to it.

love is one of the most confusing topics for me because apparently it has so many rules attached. but yet people say true love is simple that you just know when it happens but if people just knew then why do we have divorce or hate? if we just knew don't you think we would just know not to get married to a cheater wouldnt our love senses pick up on the fact that there is no love inside their heart?

I have no clue what love is or why it is here all I know is that we are addicted to this unknown phenomenon. I cannot even say if this is a TRUE emotion.

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